What Others Are Saying
About the Value of Voices of Grief Documentary Film
Grief Counseling

Rev. Leanne Hadley, Ph.D.
Founder, First Steps Spirituality Center

Sara Honn Qualls, Ph.D.
Kraemer Family Professor of Aging Studies and Professor of Psychology – University of Colorado
Higher Education

Sara Honn Qualls, Ph.D.
Kraemer Family Professor of Aging Studies and Professor of Psychology – University of Colorado
Community Outreach for Funeral Homes
Funeral Home Employees
Mortuary Science Students

Shelby Calleja
Operations Coordinator/Funeral Director and Embalmer – The Springs Funeral Services
What is the Voices of Grief Documentary Film Experience?
- Underscores a more complete understanding of the process of grief
- Provides appropriate, teachable skills that enable participants to confidently come alongside one who grieves in a life-enhancing way.
- Reduces burnout among professional caregivers by equipping them with enhanced skills and confidence in their encounters with those who grieve.
- Creates a network of caring professionals in your area of influence including medical professionals, counselors, senior living centers, schools, and faith communities.
- Inspires individuals to engage in intentional, thoughtful approaches to the grief process,
- Offers hope for a meaningful life beyond profound loss.
- Encourages a sense of spirit and deeper compassion for themselves and their friends and family experiencing loss.
What Caregivers and Professionals Are Saying
About the Film and the Community Screening Experience
Everyone should see this film!
– Frances B., Retired Nurse
I heard helpful suggestions that I have not tried with my grief practices but have given me fresh ideas.
– Kathy N., Retired RN
The actively grieving population needs more of this kind of support, and the general population needs more of this kind of education.
– Jeri P., GRASP Facilitator
A great perspective on the grief journey.
– John L., Retired, Funeral Industry
I loved that the video was not so much about death as it was about stories that meant so much to the people who were grieving.
– Barb K., Psychotherapist and Grief Counselor
Beautiful, informative, and educational film.
– Danielle T., PsyD student
This is a profound film which honors the unique experience of grief.
– Mary, Clinical Social Worker
Lovely scenes and messages that cultivates conversation and connection.
– Julia K., Psychologist
Very thoughtful and incredible stories.
– Kellie B., Hospice Chaplain
The film was deep, affirming, and encouraging of expressing our grief however it shows up.
– Val S., Grief Counselor
I was really impacted by this film. It showed a side to the (grief) experience that was humbling.
– Michael F., Psychologist in Training
A beautiful way to introduce a wider perspective of grief.
– Sandra H., Grief Counselor
This will be so helpful to so many. This beautiful film is full of wisdom and help to deal with grief.
– Donna F., Retired Counselor
The film expressed the ‘normalcy’ of grief more effectively than any other film/CD/book I’ve seen.
– Bill R., Retired Bereavement Support Group Facilitator
What the People Like You Are Saying
About the Film and the Community Screening Experience
I realize that I am not alone.
– Jana M., Freelance Court Reporter
Dealing with grief is very difficult and this was helpful.
– Rose G., Retiree
An extremely powerful film not just on the focus of death, but rather humanism in general. A must experience for everyone.
– Johanna M.
I thought it was a very positive experience on a heavy subject.
– Karen F., Regulatory Manager
Having lost my husband 18 years ago, I still have periods of intense grief and this film gave me permission to do so in a new way.
– Janelle A., Marketing/Hospice Volunteer
The interviews were great… As a griever, it felt good to relate to what I was experiencing.
–Lor P., City Planner
I felt that dealing with grief was well covered without moralizing or pushing any one religion or belief system.
– Rich K., Retiree
I found this film to be helpful and reaffirming. We need these kinds of tools to deal with our grief.
– Mary B.
It was a comforting and a good film to help people with things like what to say and do when something happens.
– Faye H., Retiree
The film was very real and honest and inspires me to help others.
– John A., Engineer
By the end of the film, I felt my sadness give way to calm and hopefulness. It was beautiful.
– Jennifer H., Scientist
This was such a real, informative, film and the treatment of the topic was done with beauty, peace, feeling, support, and hope.
– Sibbi Y., Homemaker/Life Coach
This film should be shown to all people in this country. I believe it will help change the way we think of death and grief.
– Karen M., LCSW